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来源:留学保险网 最后更新:2019-10-24 10:30:58 作者:留学保险项目组 浏览:23891次

保险报销要求    About the insurance reimbursement request:


Public hospital visits, consistency between diagnosisand treatment details and the total amount of invoice, and complete medicalrecords are the first condition to enjoy dental expenses reimbursement. Inaddition, the cost of dental care can be reimbursed depending on the treatmentprogram and the materials used.


一般不报销的项目    General non-reimbursement items:

1、镶牙:普通的镶牙,譬如1、2、3这3个牙齿,其中2因故而拔掉了。 于是做一个3个牙齿的帽子(就是3个烤瓷冠)的牙,分别套在1和3的上面,这样2也就镶好了。但前提1和3这两颗牙也要磨掉一大层用来套冠。这种方式比种牙的优势在于便宜,劣势在于损伤了1和3这两颗好牙;

      Denture: ordinarydenture, such as there are tooth No.1, 2and 3, among which the second tooth is pulled out for some reason. So makedental caps (3 porcelain crowns) for the three teeth, put them on 1st and 3rdrespectively, and then the second tooth is fixed too.But the premiseis that tooth No. 1 and 3 must be worn off a thick layer for the crown. Theadvantage of this method is that it is cheaper than dental implant, and thedisadvantage is that the two good teeth No.1 and 3 are damaged.


2、种牙:如同上面所说的,1、2、3这3个牙齿,其中2因故而拔掉了。 种牙是就在2的位置种一个钉子到牙槽骨里,然后在钉子的头上镶一个独立的烤瓷牙冠。这种方式的优点就是与邻牙无关,但是比较贵;

      Dental implant: As mentioned above, amongthe tooth No.1, 2 and 3, the second tooth is pulled out for some reason. Dentalimplant is to implant a nail into the alveolar bone on the location of toothNo.2, and then an independent porcelain crown is implanted on the head of thenail. The advantage of this method is that it has nothing to do with the adjacentteeth, but it is relatively expensive.



      Denture restoration: including the post crown, dentalcrown, complete denture, partial denture etc.


      Orthodontics:orthodontic treatment is needed due to irregular teeth.



      Repair: The use of imported high-endmaterials cannot be reimbursed generally, but the use of ordinary materials canbe reimbursed.


      Stained tooth treatment and other estheticdentistry items.


      Simple teethwash, or when the teeth wash is required for the treatment, the costsinvolved in esthetic dentistry.


可以报销的费用    Reimbursement items:

1、拔牙    Tooth extraction;


      Tooth filling:includingordinary materials and treatment fees.

3、口腔止血、牙周病、牙髓炎、根尖周炎、根管治疗、牙疼等疾病的治 疗费用。

      Oral hemostasis,periodontal disease, pulpitis, periapical periodontitis, root canal therapy,toothache and other disease treatment costs.


一般报销比例及形式(公立医院普通科室)    General reimbursement ratioand form (general departments of public hospitals):

1、疾病门诊:有日限额600元限制(减去自费费用之后在日限额内的费用),有起付线,赔付比例85%。即(日限额以内金额合计 - 起付线)*85%=报销金额;

      Outpatient fordisease: There is a daily limit of 600 yuan ( the cost within the daily limit afterdeduction of the expenses paid by oneself); there is a minimum charge, and the payout ratio is 85%. That is (the totalamount within daily limit-minimum charge)*85%= Reimbursement amount.

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